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Respectively, Skam and Eyewitness are two different shows with two different plot lines that share the same goal. To relate to us teens. To show us that shit happens and its okay. To give us something to hold on to… something to look forward to, if nothing else. Or maybe just an overall source of happiness.

Skam is probably the most woke show I’ve ever watched. They talk about real shit that happens. They could be talking about anything between world hunger to who they’re hooking up with in a span of 5 minuets. (( and can we talk about their “girls supporting other girls” message???)) I’d have to say I’ve teared up a few times while watching episodes because it seems that they really, truly understand. Each season has a focus. Each season impacts me more in ways i never knew it would. The show is real and raw. It’s the only show I’ve seen that covers real things that happen in a teenagers life and shows us realistic ways to handle them. Reality is, life isn’t always going to be sunshine and rainbows. You’re going to get hurt. But it all gets better. Skam covers that, and other things, beautifully.

Eyewitness focuses more on the LGBTQ+ community. It’s an amazing show as well because its straight to the point. There are no “gay guy stereotypes” and yeah.. its definitely not all sunshine and rainbows. If there is one thing I’ve pulled from this show, its this: ITS OKAY TO BE YOURSELF AND LOVE YOURSELF AND NOT GIVE A SHIT WHAT ANYONE THINKS. Not only does the show cover these things, but so do the actors and actresses. I appreciate how real they are. You don’t find a lot of ppl out there like this. Everything about this show is beautiful. From the amazing love story between Philip and Lukas, to the plot line itself, to the cast. Eyewitness deserves a season 2.

And yeah.. it sounds like I’m critiquing these shows like it’s my job. But i actually just figured tumblr was a nice place to get my thoughts out. Maybe a few people will read this, maybe they wont. All in all, i f*cking love these shows and their casts. They all deserve the world and have changed my life forever.

@темы: SKAM, but you are my idiot