этой вишне не протрезветь. аминь.
Wentworth Earl Miller III was born on June 2, 1972. While he was born in Chipping Norten, Oxfordshire England, he was raised in Brooklyn New York. Wentworth’s background is very diverse as his father is of African American, Jamaican, English, German, Jewish and Cherokee descent and his mother is of Russian, French, Dutch, Syrian and Lebanese descent. When asked about his background Wentworth often says, “My father is black and my mother is white. Therefore, I could answer to either, which kind of makes me a racial Lone Ranger, caught between two communities.” He grew up in a strict academic environment with his father working as a Lawyer Educator and his mother as a Special Education Teacher. While studying at school Wentworth and his two sisters (Gillian and Leigh) were expected to take school seriously and were only allowed to listen to classical music. After 3 years at Midwood High School in Brooklyn, Wentworth transferred to Quaker Valley Senior High School in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. After graduating in 1990 he attended the prestigious Princeton University where he would perform with the a cappella group, The Princeton Tigertones. Wentworth received his degree in English Literature in 1995 and decided it was time to follow a new path.

2 расы и 11 национальностей. как же я люблю этого мужчину.

96.50 КБ

@темы: кончил, умер, выносите, энимал сегз, я люблю тебя я так люблю тебя, wentworth miller

10.10.2008 в 13:50

если позволите, моя жизнь была возвышенно скучной - прекрасная скучная жизнь
я в ооочень плохом состоянии, не работают мышцы на глазах вообще((( поэтому сейчас досижу положенное на факультете и поеду домой отсыпаться
вы меня извиняйте и купите мне лампочку, угу?
я дуро, забыла телефон еще.
10.10.2008 в 14:14

этой вишне не протрезветь. аминь.
ahayasik05 бедный ты наш((

(очень жалеет)

терафля в тумбочке!

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