аноним спросил(а):
I feel so stupid asking this but what exactly does the kardamom joke mean? Why does Isak say that word in that funny way when him and Even sit on the floor eating those awful sandwiches? Because from what I get kardamom is a spice but they didn't use it for their sandwiches sooo....I'm confused

answer: dont feel stupid!!! they were just being dumb and they were high when they put all those spices on there so isak was being a little shit by saying “the cardamom is what really makes it great” when really it sucked balls lmao. and when they were all sad and even runs into isak with a cheese toastie, he tries to make him smile by saying “no cardamom?” and isak was just remembering the good ol times you know? from then on cardamom just became another evak thing

but short answer: they were high