это описание моего сегодняшнего дня.
а вапще - два бутерброда с колбасой, 7 конфет и серия нового хауса - это лучшее вредство от депрессии.
особенно хаус
Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile
(yeah...) oh baby, it's a wild world
I'll always remember you like a child girl
как пропатчить КДЕ под freeBSD?!
Миром правят упаковщицы на мебельных фабриках - болтов 20 не доложат и ебись как хочешь (c)
он всегда утомлен бесконечными after-party и глаза у него такие, что можно спятить.
heartbreakingly beautiful.
I’m officially off the rails. You should try it. (c) Effy Stonem
nobody loves me, nobody needs me. и журналист я хуевый.
и мокко-гранде вон той пизде на голову, пожалуйста (с)
она убила его поцелуями и сбежала от него
счастье сбило ее словно поезд в пути (с)
![Effy: There was a girl who could only live on lemonade. Or her parents were really old and rubbish and just kept giving it to her to the point where she couldn’t have anything else. Or they were really nice and only gave it to her because they really liked her. I can’t decide that bit but she could only live on lemonade. If she didn’t have lemonade, she’d die. And her parents were going to die soon too because they had something wrong with them that their blood was blue or something like that. And she had a brother but he was really stupid, though, no one really cared about him. They just wanted their little girl to live. The only trouble is, no one thought about her brother. She was in a bottle, he was on his own, no one thought about him. They just left him. So he sat by her, her brother, he sat by her in the bottle and ‘cause lemonade helped her eyesight, she could see him really clearly through the sides, even though the grass was as a thick as his skull. And cause it was the countryside, there was nothing for him to eat, nothing for him to buy and he was starving. And she could see that and there was no one looking after him, cause he was a bit stupid, couldn’t really look after himself, and it kept on raining so he was getting a bit rusty. She was having an amazing time with the lemonade but she knew she had to help him, so she swam to the surface but she couldn’t get out, it was too far away, this bottle was too big. She knew she had to do something, he was getting worse and worse and worse and he was really hungry and thirsty and he started eating glass and puking up all the time. So she tried to think of some plan for him but she couldn’t. All she knew is that he needed her with him. All she could do was watch him puke his guts up on the other side of the glass. But then bingo, she knew. She started to drink and she drank and she drank and she drank. And this was a lot of lemonade, enough to last her till she died, cause her parents wanted her to live for ages but she drank, every last drop, until she was in an empty bottle but that was no good, she still couldn’t get out. But that was okay, because she just waited until she had a big one stored up. Because she drank all the pop, she drank all the lemonade. And then she started to fart. It was slow at first but then it was really loud and hard. She blew her way out of the bottle, straight from the top, like a rocket. Then she stopped her brother eating grass and they went and found a nice little house to live in together, her and her brother. And it turned out drinking all that lemonade had cured her because she never wanted it again. She had orange for the rest of her life.](http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kuou6i67re1qzbqvao1_500.png)
Effy: There was a girl who could only live on lemonade. Or her parents were really old and rubbish and just kept giving it to her to the point where she couldn’t have anything else. Or they were really nice and only gave it to her because they really liked her. I can’t decide that bit but she could only live on lemonade. If she didn’t have lemonade, she’d die. And her parents were going to die soon too because they had something wrong with them that their blood was blue or something like that. And she had a brother but he was really stupid, though, no one really cared about him. They just wanted their little girl to live. The only trouble is, no one thought about her brother. She was in a bottle, he was on his own, no one thought about him. They just left him. So he sat by her, her brother, he sat by her in the bottle and ‘cause lemonade helped her eyesight, she could see him really clearly through the sides, even though the grass was as a thick as his skull. And cause it was the countryside, there was nothing for him to eat, nothing for him to buy and he was starving. And she could see that and there was no one looking after him, cause he was a bit stupid, couldn’t really look after himself, and it kept on raining so he was getting a bit rusty. She was having an amazing time with the lemonade but she knew she had to help him, so she swam to the surface but she couldn’t get out, it was too far away, this bottle was too big. She knew she had to do something, he was getting worse and worse and worse and he was really hungry and thirsty and he started eating glass and puking up all the time. So she tried to think of some plan for him but she couldn’t. All she knew is that he needed her with him. All she could do was watch him puke his guts up on the other side of the glass. But then bingo, she knew. She started to drink and she drank and she drank and she drank. And this was a lot of lemonade, enough to last her till she died, cause her parents wanted her to live for ages but she drank, every last drop, until she was in an empty bottle but that was no good, she still couldn’t get out. But that was okay, because she just waited until she had a big one stored up. Because she drank all the pop, she drank all the lemonade. And then she started to fart. It was slow at first but then it was really loud and hard. She blew her way out of the bottle, straight from the top, like a rocket. Then she stopped her brother eating grass and they went and found a nice little house to live in together, her and her brother. And it turned out drinking all that lemonade had cured her because she never wanted it again. She had orange for the rest of her life.
AGE: 16
MOTTO: Everybody dances to their own boom boom.
ABOUT ME: I'm Effy. It's a shit name but it's short for Elizabeth which is even worse. I live with my Mum and Dad. My brother used to live here too but now he's gone. On the day he left he gave me his duvet cover, half a bottle of Peach Schnapps, and his bedroom. Well, he doesn't need it any more does he? So now it's my kingdom. I drank the Schnapps and gave the duvet to Oxfam.
These are the four most interesting things about me:
1) I can pick stuff up with my toes. Like, not just socks and crap like that but big things. Ketchup bottles. Ashtrays. Ipods. It's a less useful skill than you’d think.
2) My Dad was so angry when I got expelled from the shit school I used to go to that he literally started farting in rage. Gross.
3) I'm distantly related to a 17th century French aristocrat called Cecile DeLacroix. She was beheaded during the French Revolution. Her eyes carried on blinking for 14 seconds after her head was severed from her neck and her lover had her teeth sewn into his pillow.
4) My favourite smell is petrol.
If you want to know any more send a stamped addressed envelope and ten pounds to my address
T.V SHOWS: TV rots your brain and makes you infertile. True story.
FILM STARS: I don't have favourite film stars. Everyone gets old and shit in the end. My favourite film character is the Elephant Man. He's hot.
DREAM DATE: Refer to last question.
это чортово шоу просто вынесло мне мозги и остатки самообладания. ощущение, будто в задницу воткнули раскаленную кочергу, которая потом превратилась в кулак, сжала все твои кишки изнутри и вытащила их из горла. давлюсь соплями, слезами, кровью и собственными внутренностями. пиздец какой-то.
наверное, это и есть любовь.
та самая, блядь нахуй, любовь, от которой хочется удавиться.
Что-то я запамятовала, кажется, еще целую песню отдельно в какой-то серии пел Тони? Или меня глючит?
пс. кстати, мне ужасно нравится голос Сида - и когда он говорит, и когда поет. Когда поет - с такой охренительной хрипотцой. Еще надо будет посмотреть пару серий Британики - потому что там Митч точка танцует и поет.
- Карточка с твоим лицом на ней. Здесь. Дыра, которая совпадает с моей. Момент, когда я увидела тебя... Я знала, что ты будешь самым близким из тех, кто когда-либо был близок мне. Я не знала, что делать с этим чувством. Счастье.
- Послушай, Эффи. Ты самая близкая... Которая когда-либо...
- Но они знают теперь, и они голодны. Серьезно, чертовски голодны. Потому что, насколько я знаю, они гнались за мной. И сейчас они готовы, сейчас они достаточно сильны чтобы вырваться наружу. И я не в силах побороть их. Я могла, когда я была сильной, но... Ты сделал меня слабой. И теперь я не могу, я не могу.
- Эффи, здесь никого нет.
— Откусишь ему голову и выплюнешь в яму!
— Да! Скорее всего нет, я так не сделаю.. Но да!
— Я пытаюсь молиться своему богу, Кейс.
— А он тебя слышит?
— Надеюсь, нет, а то он узнает, сколько таблеток я вчера принял.
— А ты говори тише.
— Смотрите, все друзья здесь, за одним столом, совсем как взрослые.
— Да, раньше я бы сказал: давайте засунем гашиш в фрикадельки, а теперь нам и без этого весело!